Thursday, June 6, 2013

Playing with LEDs- Game3 & 4

Playing with LEDs - Game3

In this game, you are invited to make a shifter using LEDs like the Game2 but more complicated

Let's start...

8 LEDs
8 Resistors :33Ohm

- Draw your schematic on ISIS proteus

- Write this C code on mikroC:

void main() {

             unsigned char i ;
             TRISB = 0 ; PORTB = 0 ;

                     PORTB = 1 ;
                     for(i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
                           Delay_ms(100) ;
                           PORTB = PORTB << 1 ;
                     Delay_ms(500) ;
                     for(i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
                           Delay_ms(100) ;
                           PORTB = PORTB >> 1 ;
                     Delay_ms(500) ;

- Build it to get hex file
- Upload hex file to PIC16F877A
- Start simulation

Code explanation 

void main()
==> "main" function is a necessary function and it takes no parameters and does not return any parameters

TRISB.F0 = 0 ;
==> Configure pin0 in PORTB as output 

PORTB.F0 = 0 ;
==> Initialize pin0 in PORTB

==> an endless loop to ensure that microcontroller will work automatically

PORTB = 1 ;
==> Put the first pattern to show on the port

for(i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
==> For loop 

 Delay_ms(100) ;
 PORTB = PORTB << 1 ;
==> Wait for 100 ms and then shift PORTB one bit and show data on PORTB

Delay_ms(500) ;
==> Wait for half second 

here the first shifter is accomplished and now the second shifter is to be written 

for(i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
                           Delay_ms(100) ;
                           PORTB = PORTB >> 1 ;
==> It is the same algorithm but the opposite shift operator 

Delay_ms(500) ;
==> Wait for half second 


Playing with LEDs - Game4

in this game, you will invited to make a simple counter from 1 to 9 using 4 LEDs.
4 LEDs
4 Resistors :33Ohm

- Draw your schematic on ISIS proteus

- Write this C code on mikroC:
void main() {
              TRISB = 0 ; PORTB = 0 ;
                      PORTB ++ ;
                      Delay_ms(1000) ;
                      if(PORTB == 9) PORTB = 0 ;
- Build it to get hex file
- Upload hex file to PIC16F877A
- Start simulation

Code explanation 

void main()
==> "main" function is a necessary function and it takes no parameters and does not return any parameters

TRISB.F0 = 0 ;
==> Configure pin0 in PORTB as output 

PORTB.F0 = 0 ;
==> Initialize pin0 in PORTB

==> an endless loop to ensure that microcontroller will work automatically

 PORTB ++ ;
==> Increment PORTB data 

Delay_ms(1000) ;
 Wait for one second 
if(PORTB == 9) PORTB = 0 ;
==> If you reache 9, reinitialize the port

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