Monday, June 3, 2013

What do i need to start my journey with microcontroller?

Really, it is an expected question. What is needed for this amazing journey?

Ok, let's start .... you need :

1- IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 
- IDE means that you will have all the components to generate your executable file in only one software ... this software is called IDE

- IDE = Preprocessor + Compiler + Assembler + Linker

- If you want to program your microcontroller using C language,mikroC IDE is recommended and if you want to program it using Basic language, Proton IDE is recommended

- Take this example:
   You write your code in C using mikroC (file.c) then you click to generate your executable file (file.hex) .. mikroC checks your code syntax and finally generate your hex file .. let's take a deep look ...

Steps for generating the hex file:
      1- Preprocessor:
            - Make text replacement , include files to your code and So on....
              (Do not worry, it will be explained later)
      2- Compiler
            - Converts file.c to file.asm ...
              (i.e. converts high level language to low level language)
      3- Assembler
            - Converts file.asm to file.obj
      4- Linker
            - Linkes all object files ato generate one executable file (file.hex)

Of course, all these steps occur inside the IDE. Just write your file.c and then click build to generate hex file .. That's it

If you want to program using C language, mikroC IDE is recommended and if you want to program using Basic language, Proton IDE is recommended
2- Simulation environment 
- Simulation helps you to simulate your application on the microcontroller on the PC very easily without expending one $.

- There is a very good simulation program and it is also well-known. It is called "Proteus" which incorporates two programs inside it :

         - "ISIS" for drawing your schematic and simulating it very very easily
         - "ARES" for converting your schematic to PCB

>> No doubt that Proteus is very helpful for us
3- Burner Software
- After generating file.hex, you need to upload your microcontroller with this hex file. To do that, you need:
    - A programmer (from any electronics components shop)
    - A software to upload the hex file (included with the programmer)
4- Microcontroller
- You will need a microcontroller chip to start programming it as shown before.
- I recommend to you some microcontroller chips such as : PIC16F877A,PIC16F628A,PIC16F84A,...

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